Not a big bar guy (probably never found the right one like Drum and Quill) but I love the vibe at certain craft breweries and, even more so, the English and Irish pubs I’ve been fortunate enough to visit. Before we open, I think onsite research is in order across the pond to learn what it is that makes these places so charming and, of course, successful. You’re in luck — I volunteer. Please let me know where to submit my receipts.

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Perfect. We need constant field research if we're going to do this up right. And multiple annual meetings. All expensed.

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I think a wall dedicated to dollar bills signed by our patrons is a good way to go. Not only will people want theirs up there, every time the wall fills up, you get to start cashing those older bills at the bank. I’ve got a few on a bar wall in St. Augustine and I’ve never seen an old one that I previously left, so it must be a good idea.

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Perfect! We'll have sharpies at the ready for people to sign. Though with the decline in cash, we may need to start resorting to posting people's Venmo handles or something.

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Alright, I’m going to pitch you on the perfect bar (which I just got home from visiting).

It’s a neighborhood establishment in a strip mall on a busy road in East Dallas. On Saturday morning, they open at 8 AM, and my running club meets in their parking lot an hour or two before that to get our long runs in before throwing back a beer or mimosa or three at the bar. As the day chugs on, some of us trickle out, to be replaced by golf bros watching whichever tournament is on the TVs at the bar.

Ostensibly, Taco Joint is a restaurant, but I’ve only ever sat at the bar. I’ve watched golf there, I’ve watched premier league matches there, I’ve watched NCAA cross country, and I’ve watched College Gameday (and maybe some of the 11 AM kickoff games too, but don’t tell anyone I stayed that long).

There’s nothing particularly special about it except that everyone shows up there. It’s a multipurpose establishment. You can get your breakfast tacos to-go if you need to get back home. You can get all fancified and show up for a boozy brunch. Or you can walk in clad in tech fabrics and smell like you just ran 14 miles in a Dallas summer and plop down for a couple of hours while you recover. We all come because of the atmosphere, and the atmosphere exists because we all come. You can’t fake that.

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Wow do I love every bit of this. Next time I'm in Dallas I am DEFINITELY finding this place. Thanks for sending this in! So cool!

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