Welcome to Flashlight & A Biscuit!

Hey. I’m Jay Busbee, a senior writer over at Yahoo Sports. I’ve been fortunate enough to cover sports all over the world, but I always find my way back to the American South. It’s a fascinating, infuriating, beautiful, aggravating region, one full of magnificent art, wrenching history and so, so many stories.

Check out some our most popular editions right here:

I’ll share a story or two with you each week, along with some recommendations on books/music/food, and whatever else might be on my laptop’s open tabs at the time. It’s all free, and you can’t beat free.

You can see the latest issue right here. Sign up so you don’t miss any more.

Thanks for stopping by. Peace!

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Writer. Atlantan. Et cetera. In my day job, I write for Yahoo Sports. I wrote EARNHARDT NATION, a bio of NASCAR's wild-ass history. I believe barbecue should be smoked, beer should be colder, books should be piled high, and guitars should be louder.