Merry Christmas, dude! I was gifted with the Mighty Men and Monster Maker in my preadolescent youth.

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Strong gifts! And Merry Christmas right back at ya!

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Iron Maiden tickets

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The gift of metal is always a welcome one

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My Dad brought me a stuffed black bear that used to have a purple sash that read Great Smoky Mountains from a business trip. I still have the bear. I also remember getting a bike for my 7th birthday. My parents sent me to get the mail and when I turned back to the house, there it was next to the porch. The most useful gift I ever received was a Kitchen Aid mixer, which I really like, but it didn’t take the place of the diamond I was expecting (we broke up the next year). The gift of my Savior, Jesus Christ, is the best gift I’ll ever receive. Merry Christmas!

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I love all of these! And yeah, a mixer when you're expecting a rock is a bit of a letdown, no matter how good a mixer it is.

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Not bad, Jay, for your first week in journalism (love your stuff). My best gift(s) were family in whatever evolved and devolved form it came and a baseball mitt on my 13th birthday. Peace.

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Family is the best gift -- as my daughter reminded me after reading this post -- but you don't have to put a baseball mitt through college.

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Big Jim with the Kung Fu grip!

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HELL YEAH BROTHER. Big Jim deserves a revival.

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The more I think about it, GI Joe may have had Kung Fu grip. I think Big Jim had a button his back you could press and he would do a karate chop! Still my best gift though. Did do some serious GI Joe stuff as well!

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Jay- This was a fun look into the memory bank of gifts I got. Maybe my favorite was a music box, back when that meant the whole world to a little girl. Hope you're well this week. Cheers, -Thalia

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Love it. Thanks for writing in, Thalia!

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